This week: join for an open 30-minute public demo to explore Corma and its functionalities
Your IT copilot that monitors, governs and automates your software licences, accesses & identities.
Get ready for the digital transformation. Map your entire software ecosystem, including Shadow IT. Secure your stack through central contract lifecycle management for all your SaaS tools.
Automate access control policies and provisioning in identity and access management to get rid of IT tickets while making your employees happy and productive.
Conduct granular user access and request logs reviews for your SOX, SOC 2 & ISO 27001 reporting in record time.
Drive down software costs, streamline renewals, cut unused licenses, and get more from every contract.
"Corma is the dream IAM and license management tool of every IT team. Before Corma we tried different solutions but they were either ineffective or inadapted to our company size. Now we finally have a tool for privileged identity and access management that simply works."
"Thanks to Corma, we can keep better track of tool renewals and cut unused software licences. It also helps us manage the creation and removal of accesses to our tools."
Corma is extremely easy and fast to set up. Be live in minutes and get instant value around the contract lifecycle of your apps and automated role based access control through your active directory.
First sign up to our solution by booking a demo and we'll provide you accesses to benefit of digital transformation in IAM.
In Corma, simply connect your current Identity Provider (Active Directory) such as Google SSO or Microsoft Azure AD.
Deploy our browser extensons in minutes to finally establish a simple way for SAM and identity governance.
Experience the benefits of digital transformation. Cut you software spend by 30% through managing the contract lifecycle of your SaaS, secure your business through automated provisioning in identity and access management, all while boosting software stack with our vendor management system.