June 16, 2024

Elevating Employee Experience: The Power of IT Automation and Beyond

Samuel Bismut
CTO and co-founder

How IT Automation can Shape the Future of Work: Revolutionizing the Employee Experience around Software and Access Management:

When do most employees interact with IT? When they forgot their password or the WIFI is down. Managers often consider IT as a cost center: invisible when things go smoothly and at fault if something is broke. But those assumptions ignore the opportunities that good IT operations can have. While there are obviously business benefits (cybersecurity, compliance & productivity to name a few), this article will focus on how IT automation can improve the employee experience and satisffaction. Keeping team members content and motivated should be a priority for all employers in the team of labor scarcuity. This article delves into the world of IT automation and other strategies that can significantly contribute to creating a more positive and rewarding workplace for employees.

The Employee Experience Revolution

Consider the last time one felt genuinely enthusiastic about heading to work. When employees feel appreciated and their contributions recognized, they tend to bring their best selves to work, driving motivation and productivity. Conversely, a negative workplace experience can be a significant deterrent. This is where the concept of improving the employee experience comes into play.

Prioritizing the well-being and needs of a workforce can lead to the creation of an inspiring workplace that motivates individuals to excel in their roles. With evolving work trends such as the gig economy and remote work, employees have more options than ever before in terms of their employment choices. To retain top talent and ensure their engagement, companies are now challenged to go the extra mile.

The employee experience directly influences job satisfaction, motivation, and overall engagement – elements that have a direct impact on a company's bottom line. A positive experience contributes to higher productivity, reduced turnover, and a thriving corporate culture. Conversely, a negative experience can result in subpar performance, elevated turnover rates, and a toxic work environment.

The Importance of Employee Experience

1. Attracting & Retaining Top Talent: Given the competitive job market all companies currently find themselves in, top-notch candidates are searching for employers that offer more than just a paycheck. They seek meaningful work experiences. By emphasizing the employee experience, companies can differentiate themselves from competitors and appeal to high-caliber candidates in search of fulfilling work environments.

2. Higher Job Satisfaction & Employee Engagement: A positive employee experience often translates to heightened job satisfaction and increased employee engagement. Employees who feel valued and fulfilled in their roles are more likely to be motivated and productive, which can, in turn, lead to higher customer satisfaction and greater profitability.

3. Improving Organizational Culture: Enhancing organizational culture can yield multiple benefits for both employees and the company as a whole. A positive employee experience fosters morale, encourages collaboration and innovation, and ultimately creates a more productive work environment. This can result in business success and a competitive edge in the market.

4. Avoiding Frustration: Technical road-blockers and challenges are a common cause for frustration. Waiting for an access request, outdated tools, chaos around software provisioning and all tools daily issues around IT can lead to frustration across employees which can kill productivity and lead to employee churn. This is the biggest component where IT automation can come into play:

Strategies to Improve Employee Experience

1. Rethink software provisioning

New beginnings are great. But they can also be chaotic and feel horrifying. Picture a new employee's first day – a staple of paperwork high as Mount Everest, HR orientations, and the excitement to embark on a new journey. However, what if they require specific tools to begin their work promptly? This transition can quickly become frustrating and time-consuming. On average, employees need two days to receive an access. It is easy to imagine the feeling of a new joiner who is sitting at their desk next to their welcome box, desperately waiting to receive the access to a tool so they can actually do stuff. It is a common experience to be sitting and waiting, being scared to give the wrong impression as being lazy, all while a technical blocker stops you from doing anything.

This is where Corma steps in. Corma offers automated access provisioning during onboarding, simplifying the process considerably. Goodbye to manual on- and off-boarding. Hello IT automation.

Corma's recommendation engine assists in selecting the appropriate apps, while customizable playbooks further streamline the onboarding process. It simplifies app assignment, saving time and minimizing errors. Why invest time in manual app assignments when Corma can efficiently manage the process?

2. Automate as much as possible

Nobody likes to wait for an IT ticket to be answered or for an access to be granted, especially if this blocks someone to finish a task or help out a colleague. IT should never be seen as a blocker, but rather as a facilitator. In a nutshell, Workflow Automation can be a game-changer for IT departments. It's the secret sauce for improving operations and ensuring everything runs like clockwork. So, if you want to transform your IT operations and make your IT team's life easier, embraced the power of Workflow Automation. The benefits go beyond optimising the IT operations. You will see that it has a tangible impact for the employee experience across departments.

3. Make IT security employee-centric

In today's digital era, ensuring employee safety and protecting sensitive data are paramount. Corma facilitates real-time monitoring of digital activities, enabling the detection of suspicious behavior and proactively preventing cyber threats. Say goodbye to Shadow IT and data leaks. While maintaining security is a top priority, it should not destroy the employee experience. IT security is to be obtained together with the employee, not against them. Make sure that they understand what is being done, how it is in their interest and how the security is being ensured without removing the employee's privacy.

Corma also incorporates features like multi-factor authentication, data encryption, and real-time monitoring, further bolstering security measures to safeguard employee data and maintain trust within the organization.

4. Providing Support during the Mid-Lifecycle Stage

As professionals progress in their careers or assume new roles, they often require resources to excel in their responsibilities. Corma streamlines SaaS approvals and app assignments to support employees during this pivotal mid-lifecycle stage.

Tools like Corma deliver real-time updates, transparency in approvals, and grants employees access to information about alternative applications. Say farewell to frustrating delays and welcome increased productivity and innovation.

How Corma Enhances Employee Experience

Corma serves as a virtual assistant for IT teams, simplifying their tasks and ensuring that employees have the necessary tools at their disposal. Its user-friendly interface simplifies access to essential tools, freeing employees from the complexities of intricate software landscapes.

Corma's built-in ticketing system and automation streamline both onboarding and offboarding processes, empowering IT teams and users to monitor tasks effectively. It also connects to existing ticketing tools, streamlining the processes and avoiding data silos. IT automation, as demonstrated by Corma, plays a vital role in streamlining processes, reinforcing security, and ultimately contributing to employee satisfaction. Prioritizing employees and investing in their experience can lead to a more prosperous and engaging corporate environment. Here's to a brighter and more fulfilling workplace!

Ready to get back in control of your SaaS?

Experience the benefits of digital transformation. Cut you software spend by 30% through managing the contract lifecycle of your SaaS, secure your business through automated provisioning in identity and access management, all while boosting software stack with our vendor management system.

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