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CEO Héloïse talking about the future of SaaS

Our CEO, Héloïse, like the entire Corma team, is an expert when it comes to software in companies and Software-as-a-Service platforms. How does she see the future of SaaS?

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CTO Samuel talks about his favorite feature of Corma

Having built Corma from the ground up and knowing every feature, choosing his favorite was probably not an easy task. His favorite feature has likely already been replaced by a new one.

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COO Nikolai talks about the founding story of Corma

Corma started as university project where the three founders were consulting a company. The CEO talked them through his pain of not being in charge of his software ecosystem.

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Corma meets the French president

This was by far one of the craziest days. French President Emmanuel Macron visited the world’s biggest startup campus, and we had the honor of welcoming him from the front row.

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Leto x Corma: Comment gérer les accès à tous vos logiciels?

🤔 Combien de plateformes ou logiciels utilisez-vous dans votre entreprise? Qui a accès et comment contrôlez-vous les accès? Il est parfois difficile d’avoir une véritable vue d’ensemble sur les...

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What are we doing at Corma? The pitch.

#startup #stationf #femaleentrepreneur #corma #saas #paris #accessmanagment #shadowit #auditreport #iso27000

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